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This will give you a quick view of how this all works.

First install uv:

curl -LsSf | sh

And start your workspace:

uv init unarepo   # choose another name if you prefer
cd unarepo
git init
uv add --dev una

Then setup the Una workspace. This will generate a structure and an example lib and app.

uv run una create workspace
rm -rf src
uv sync

Have a look at what's been generated:


Have a look at the generated files in the apps/printer and libs/greeter packages. An external dependency (cowsay-python) has also been added to the latter's pyproject.toml.

The magic of Una then comes in to resolve the graph of direct and transitive dependencies, which looks like this:

printer --> greeter --> cowsay-python

You can do this by running the following:

# this checks all imports and ensures they are added to
# project.dependencies and tool.uv.sources in the each pyproject.toml
uv run una sync

Have a look at what happened:

tail apps/printer/pyproject.toml

It added greeter as an internal dependency to printer. It didn't add cowsay-python, as transitive external dependencies are only resolved at build-time.

Now you can build your app. Note that you must specify the --wheel parameter. Una doesn't currently work for builds that do source -> sdist -> wheel, as these break some things with uv virtual envs.

uvx --from build pyproject-build --installer=uv \
    --outdir=dist --wheel apps/printer
# this will inject the cowsay-python external dependency

And see the result:

ls dist/

And you can do whatever you want with that wheel! What about stick it in a Dockerfile, have you ever seen such a simple one?

FROM python
COPY dist dist
RUN pip install dist/*.whl

And run it:

docker build --tag unarepo-printer .
docker run --rm -it unarepo-printer python -c 'from unarepo.printer import run; run()'